ovaltine sandwiches

Sunday, August 07, 2005

I haven't blogged for a while because...
a) there's nothing exciting to tell
b) i've been thinking that blogging is pointless
c) i've been angsty and i don't want to post something arghus.

so now, i'm in the middle of writing a story. my deadline is tomorrow and i'm not even halfway through with it. but i'm soooooo happy that i'm finally writing a book. that's the greatest! i don't know yet if my story will suck (i hope not) but i'm so psyched with the idea. :) :) :)

i've always dreamed of having a children's book. thanks to kuting for this opportunity.

and for the downer, i lost again in the Palanca awards. i was actually depressed for a day or two. but bounce back, i must. maybe i'll join again next year. hehe, masochistic me.